Saturday, December 29, 2012

Parenting with Grace and Mercy

i am writing this post thinking and living life in the throws of being a single, full-time working mom of a precious little 3 year old girl.

my goal is not to make it til she is 18 and get her out of my house.
my goal is not to make it til she graduates from college.
my goal is not to make it til she finds the man of her dreams and is married.

my goal is to raise a special, genuine human being who loves everyone, no matter where they come from, who they are, or what they have done. a confident, strong, happy, caring and at peace woman, who knows that God loves her no matter what and so does her mom.

as a parent you face challenges daily. i do not claim to have a clue. but i can tell you this, i know the love of God. His mercy and His grace is what has shaped me and is what i cling to daily.

when she challenges me i have to be aware of what is happening - it is not easy. sometimes it would be so much easier to just react. but i want to chose my words carefully, as not to damage her sweet spirit - do i always get this right, no!

look at the situation surrounding her behavior.
look at myself and how i am acting/reacting.
realize she has feelings.
ask myself: what can i teach her.

a snap reaction normally is out of anger and can cause damage - this is what i believe.
my goal is not to damage this sweet spirit, but to nurture and love that spirit.

i try to have fun with her. make things with her. include her in activities. cook with her, even though it is messy sometimes. let her help clean and not go behind her "fixing" it. let her fold towels and put them away, even though they are in a pile under the sink.
she needs to proud of who she is, feel apart of our family, feel like she is contributing and know that she is appreciated.

i strive to enjoy the small things in life (as one of my favorite bloggers writes about regularly - Kelle Hampton). and to make lasting memories for us to both have for life. they may not be perfect memories but they are our memories.

these are my opinions and mostly written down to help me remember on days that are tough


Friday, December 28, 2012

December at a Glance

we decorated our tree with care and lots of homemade decorations! welcoming Christmas time into our house, with excitement and anticipation!

so proud of her tree! 

we made a handprint Christmas tree! thank you pintrest!

then we made all of the reindeer!

she loved her advent calendar and was so excited to start it! 
everyday was so much fun finding a new treat!

love this smile more than anything in the world!

workin hard on makin some jingle bells!

making ornaments for our North Pole Party for friends to decorate!

got to go see Santa at the country music hall of fame! it was great! 
this girl loves Santa and was so very excited!
she asked for a unicorn! 

raymak and her friend grace dancin it out to some great Christmas music! 
love this!

time to make the cookies with my little baker!

Papa's Funeral and Life Celebration!

on the airplane watchin a movie and drinkin a sprite
got to open her halloween box at when we got to gran's - so fun
grandad was throwin her around on the bed
"swing me just one more time grandad"
she was sooooooo excited to see her uncle jared
all the cousins growing up way too fast
watchin a movie with aunt darla at the restaurant 

love this girl and her smilin face!
uncle jared and aunt darla we love them a whole lot
papa's seat at church
me, amanda, emily and jared
my mom and papa's seat
raymak and cousin justin

papa's parking space
snugglin with grandad
sweetest girl, i love her so much i can hardly stand it!
me, amanda, emily, jared and darla - all grown up (how did this happen)
gettin a ride from uncle jared to the car, so much fun!
all the kids got their bag of halloween fun from gran in the parking lot
pooped out girl, snugglin with aunt emily before we go trick r treating
my cute little giraffe - love it
giraffe and captain america eatin candy corn!

iron man ready to go
attack of lilie
iron man, giraffe, and captain america patiently waiting 
"knock, knock, knock.....trick or treat?

Reindeer Farm Wonderment!

we experienced what will now be an annual Christmas tradition! we went on a Reindeer Tour at Strickland Farm in White House, TN. It was an amazing experience! 

did you know that reindeer shed their antlers every year and grow them back? 

we got up close and personal with all of the reindeer! 
did you know that they really do click when they walk? not kidding!!  

 raymak said : "they are sayin, 'rudolph, come hang out with us!"

 her smile says it all! feeding blitzen some graham crackers!

 so much fun and so exciting!

 we think this is jingle!
 sweet donkey hope

 hope got raymaks thumb - it was a mistaken for hay - pour baby, but she recovered well!
 raymak and snowflake!
snowflake is 10 yrs old and retired from santa's sleigh - she now trains all of the younger ones and teaches them how to fly! 
we had such a fabulous time together and will be back next year for sure!