she is changing and growing and learning something new everyday....
this week she is loving to color - she loves green!
she has found the moon - every night when we walk the dogs we find the moon and follow it til we get home. i say "i see the moon and the moon sees me, God bless the moon and God bless me"then she tries to copy me! over, and over, and over.........
i love it!!!!
on our walks she points out all the things we see (and have talked about every night since she was born). wrapped up on my chest she says "boat" and points to the neighbors boat in his yard, then she goes on tho point out EVERY single flower we pass........i love it more than anything! we wave at neighbors, and all the neighborhood cats. it is just our time to talk and share. (she is so smart! ha)
just last week in the car she started pointing out all of the trucks we pass......."tuck", yesterday she saw a motorcycle and looked a little confused!
we also sing a lot in the car!
i am drinking it all in and loving every last drop, savoring every minute we have together!
this morning my alarm went off at 5:45 am,
she had woken up at 4 am and i had put her in bed with me to nurse.
when i woke up she was snuggled up next to me, nursing with my boob in her little hands
sleeping so soundly and looking so completely happy and content.
we stayed in bed til 7 am ............ha!
it was great!
i keeping thinking i can't possibly love her more and then my heart fills up a little bit more completing me.
this pic makes me laugh........her 1st sucker!